
T o e d

a pigeon perched on a railing

I met a pigeon who wouldn’t budge

A mirroring on how I can hold a grudge

He stayed a while

Even cracked a smile

Could I really resemble such style?

He let me get close

But too close & I’m bound to ghost

This pigeon showed no fear

No expectations lingered our atmosphere

Refreshing to say the least

So intrigued - so excited to meet

A pigeon I found so sweet

Named him Bill— in silence still

No chirp — no tweet

It may sound a little off beat

Curiosity— my cheap thrill

Smiling little Bill

Taught me a lesson in will

Voids thought needing to fill

For a pigeon named Bill knew how to listen—

Just by remaining still

No suggestions for me to swallow a pill

How odd was this— Bill’s state of bliss?

Possibly the reason for the gift of wings

Yet stays to listen to my thoughts and things

It’s time we part

Bitter sweet— a little tart

My day is now complete

Time I lie myself to sleep

Acknowledging my gratitude

For being awake—

& appreciation for my every mistake